Tag Archives: jd banke
Vignettes Love Party
A Love Party at Love City Love for all lovers, ex-lovers and future lovers!
February 14, 2014
Featuring artwork by:
Alexa Anderson & Estee Clifford
Dakota Gearhart
Derek Erdman
Doug Newman
Erin Frost
Graham Downing
JD Banke
Joe Rudko & Kelly Björk
Kelly O
Klara Glosova
Lindsey Apodaca
Performance by Molly Sides & Alice Gosti
Live music by Mrs. Cooper, DJ Res, Wishbeard, and AIRPORT
There will be a quarrel cocktail bar, lovers photo booth by Patrick Richardson Wright, stick-n-poke tattoos by MKNZ and a kissing booth by Max Kraushaar and Hannah Patterson

JD Banke
March 1, 2013
‘He is masterful at representing a slacker attitude within his effortlessly calculated compositions.’ – Robert Yoder
Acrylic on Wood