
Pure and whole, tough and tender. Home. Alive.

Coincidence of Molecules

When Something Passes

Exported: Ariel Herwitz – Marble House Project, Dorset, Vermont

EXPORTED: Ruth Marie Tomlinson – Two Dot, Montana

Cable Griffith + Josh Poehlein on ‘The Three Freedoms’

Exported: Eirik Johnson at Donkey Mill Art Center, Hawaii

wisdom of the underworld

Andrew Lamb Schultz’s Salvaged Fantasies

Through A Window, Down A Portal

New Lives for Broken Things

A heartbeat, heard from a distance

Inedible Sadness

Dead People Never Stop Talking

Frontiers: Embodied Space & Bodily Intelligibility

Max Cleary: Breaking The Spectacle

Unfolding: Giving Shape to a Poignant Time

Towards a Radical Honesty

Curator’s Corner: The Alice Gallery Pt 2

Open Letter to Maggie Carson Romano

A community of feeling

CURATOR’S CORNER: Interstitial

Hidden in Plain Sight | Interview with Eirik Johnson

Queer Resistance, Queer Resilience: The ‘Mo-Wave Art Exhibition

Q&A Cathy Hillenbrand

EXPORTED: Katy Lester

Curator’s Corner : OUT OF SIGHT

EXPORTED: Colleen RJC Bratton – Chasing Storms in the Midwest

EXPORTED: Erin Elyse Burns: Part II (Recap on Westfjords Residency in Iceland)

Q&A: Brian Paquette

EXPORTED: Kimberly Trowbridge | Studio of Oliveira Tavares in Portugal

EXPORTED: Kimberly Trowbridge – Light Through the Trees, Évora Monte, Portugal

Evolving Voices : A Conversation with Saman Maydani & Sarah Kuck

EXPORTED: Erin Elyse Burns at The Westfjords Artist Residency in Thingeyri, Iceland

T(here) : Kathryn Fleming / Future Species


EXPORTED: Ellen Ziegler | Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende | Entry #3

Q&A : Elizabeth Stinson

The Gift of Perspective : A Conversation with Matthew Offenbacher & Jennifer Nemhauser

EXPORTED: Ellen Ziegler | Museum of Antique Toys | Entry #2

EXPORTED: Megumi Shauna Arai in Komagane, Japan Pt. 2

EXPORTED: Megumi Shauna Arai in Komagane, Japan

EXPORTED: Ellen Ziegler in San Miguel de Allende and Mexico City, #1

Departed | A Conversation with Graham Downing

CURATOR’S CORNER: The Alice Gallery


Q&A Atta Dawahare