SS: There was a que for it at the opening, it’s also fairly illegible if someone doesn’t know your writing, so people were helping one another in reading it aloud.
GD: hahaha
oh god
most of it was written pressed against my knee drinking coffee so there are all sorts of stains too
SS: And its a few notebooks right?
I had to clarify to people that none of the text was written back then from when you were a kid.
How long did it take you to write it?
GD: Three different ones, written over the month before the show
SS: Your memory of your childhood is so clear.
GD: It took a month, with sporadic writing, sometimes memories would unpack other memories and it would be like a vein
SS: definitely
GD: i think it helped that i had been telling stories from my childhood for most of my life
so it was easy to remember these very choice moments that ive used to relate to people before
SS: You have, I was surprised how many I actually knew.
GD: haha
i believe it – Everyone’s heard that Frida Kahlo story
SS: true. It’s so classic.
There is a lot of crying, confusion and self deprecation. Like any good comedian.
it’s like your stand up act
GD: truly
so much crying
i was scared of a lot as a child
SS: What do you think triggered that fear? Or was it just there from the beginning?
Your text makes it seem like it was always there.
GD: Boy, I think I’ve just always been very sensitive, especially as a child
luckily I grew up in an environment where that was okay
SS: definitely, Seattle with your family – I can see that.
GD: it has helped my comedy for sure
i got that going for me
SS: You’ve always used it for your advantage
vulnerability makes the best comedy.
but i feel this way with art too
Hence why this show feels poignant to me regarding your practice.
You aren’t hiding behind any smoke n mirrors, it is very raw.
Even the metaphor of the ‘land of the lotuses’ isn’t accurate, it’s the way you remember it.
GD: haha
i like this show because it relies on zero impressive construction or material
SS: true true
GD: I like to create things that are emotional beyond their physical state. I think that is a big part of my comedy coming into visual art. How to take what you have and rearrange it bigger than itself
SS: I love that idea.
GD: It’s the same confusing way that jokes make us laugh, is why art makes us feel
SS: indeed. So with this exhibit, why now?
You’ve had the idea to leave Seattle for a long while
but then to integrate it into a piece…and these other works too.
There are a lot of threads that have come together here.
GD: Certainly having somewhere to go helped, a place I could go and work on things
Making it a piece was in some ways a way to paint myself into a corner and do it
i sort of wanted to trick myself into leaving
because i was afraid i never would if i didn’t.
That is the whole idea of the ‘land of the lotuses’ – it is so comfortable you never leave
I was trying to pull my face outta of the flower a bit just to see what else is out there.
It’s really weird out here
SS: it’s always healthy to rattle your own cage a bit.
shake things up to see what you find.
GD: Performance art is all about examining your comfort zone
SS: Definitely.
GD: My comfort zone is Seattle
My comfort zone is Seattle in bed
SS: Yes. I can see that.
How do you feel about being out there?
GD: Sometimes really scared
Like really starting to admit I’ve moved, I’m not sure I’ve done that yet.
SS: Committed to 12 weeks.
GD: I keep thinking things like “oh ill just grab that at art primo when im back” and things like that then realizing i wont be.
I think it is the fear many of us have (that we should let go of) that the choice we are making is not the right one (even though it has to be)
I’ve been moving around a lot lately, in the last few months and am ready for something to feel like the right choice
hopefully out here does
though it probably will.
I went for a hike today and found Eagle feathers and now I’m sitting in my studio surrounded by rubble that will be a store soon
SS: that doesn’t sound like such a bad choice yet.
I think you can do it. But it always comes down to if you really can and want to.
GD: yeah, I am more sure now then I was before leaving
more sure that i could
SS: definitely. You will go through stages and that’s okay.
Well I’m wondering what else I have to ask you…do you have anything you really want to talk about?
GD: every single parking spot in this town has oil stains
every single one
SS: haha. I know exactly what that looks like.
I believe we will be sending a couple writers out over to you two once the studio is set up to do a studio visit.
GD: that’s exciting to me
i cant wait for them to come!
SS: I know what that looks like but will you still take a photo for us?
GD: yes! should i send it now?
SS: Yes!
GD: onnnneeee sec
GD: wait
how do i send a pic?
i emailed it to you
SS: Got it! so serious