EXPORTED: Ellen Ziegler | Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende | Entry #3

Artist Ellen Ziegler shares her last entry with us from her self-imposed residency in Mexico. Enjoy these imaginative moments captured in the light of Mexico. Thanks for letting us get a peek into your trip, Ellen. And welcome back home!

Cotidianidad | Quotidianity
Entry #3, Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende – April 2015

My friend Ivan Puig calls these instances “cotidianidad”, and although the word “quotidianity” is only maybe a real word in English, it sums up those daily, ordinary, commonplace moments that illuminate us from inside.

Here are a few of mine from my time in Mexico. Thank you for joining me in my journey.

Shadow of a statue of priest Miguel Hidalgo, the father of Mexico’s revolution against Spanish rule, Dolores Hidalgo.

Dry fountain, San Miguel de Allende.

All electrical meters are covered by grates to prevent theft. No two alike, all hand-made. Here’s one…

A welcome in a small hotel.

Abandoned church, San Miguel de Allende.

Subway, Mexico City.

Sign, San Miguel.

Jell-O to go, Embajadores Market, Guanajuato.

Brass section, Sunday concert, Guanajuato.

Child’s dress worthy of a designer lamp shade.
San Juan de Dios Market, San Miguel de Allende.

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